Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Self Image: Activity 1

Self Image: Activity 1

1. Age/generation- I'm 16 years old, which means having the freedom of having my license, but I'm not yet allowed to do other things like see R rated movies or vote; although I feel I'm mature for my age and generation.

2. Gender- I'm female, and that means I could be treated as less competent or able to do things, although I do my best to prove those attitudes wrong.
3. Race- I'm white with mainly German heritage. My family follows some German traditions such as making foods from my moms childhood and putting out traditional ornaments during Christmas. My grandfather came to the U.S. when he was a young adult so my mother speaks some German and I write to my cousins in Germany every few months.
4. Religion- My family's religion is Lutheran and that's what I have chosen to believe in. I was confirmed at Mountain View Lutheran church in 8th grade, and I volunteer at Bible School every summer. However I probably attend church only 5 times a year.
5. Class or caste- My family has always been able to provide for me and the things I want to do, and we would be classified as middle class. 
6. Personality- I'm a shy or introverted person around people I don;t know or like, but always try to be nice. However with the people I know I feel comfortable being myself and am loud and extroverted.
7. Intelligence- One thing I am very proud of are my achievements in school, I have lettered in academics all my years in Mountain Pointe, am in National Honors Society and National Art Honors Society, and take advanced classes in school.
8. Political Persuasion- My parents are republicans, and I support the economic beliefs of conservatives, but the social beliefs of democrats/liberals. So I myself am not really either, and would classify myself as independent. 

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